+44105 63737

Admission Support

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Admission Support

Joining the Learnforth community via the admission application is easy as filling a simple form. We understand the cumbersome of the process but we will help you see the simplicity.






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A one-time application fee of $20USD required to complete the application process, the fee is a non-refundable payment for processing your application. Your application decision after payment takes between 48 – 72hrs.



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Online Application

Follow the link to an online application form hosted on mylu Portal. Make sure you provide and necessary information while filling the form

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Admission Decision

After completing your application and paid the application fee of $20USD. You will need to wait between 48 to 72hrs for your admission decision.

99.9% applicants get admitted be sure to seek an advisory service.

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myLU Xperience

After a successful application, you will be activated to log into the student dashboard or the myLU Portal for begin your studies.Welcome to Learnforth University. It is another great day for dreams coming through

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Get in touch!

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